Holy House of Love

Modern school for Self-care and sex education*

(*The one your never had..)

Welkom to the introduction..

A modern school for self-care and sex education. Sounds pretty interesting, right? But what do I mean by all of this? What is the story - still a mystery to most of you - behind my school?

Integrity and openness are two of the main values of Holy House of Love. So in this introduction, I will take you on a journey through the full creation story behind Holy House of Love and the two main pillars of my school, Yoni Empowerment and Self-care.

In this introductory course, I will host the first three informational lectures of my modern school. During the lectures and the in-person experiences (only for the Dutch, for now..), you can hear the vision and feel the power of the creation of Holy House of Love and the two pillars I will further introduce in the first half of 2025...

Are you curious?"

It’s time to start a self-love adventure


 "In the upcoming containers of Sacred Self-care (start march 2025) and Yoni Empowerment (start may 2025) I will invite you to dive deep into, to explore and to nurture your true Self".


Welcome to..

The introduction container

A you ready to witness the birthing proces of Holy House of Love from the front row?

There are three different introduction containers. One will be in full Dutch for all my sisters in the Netherlands. The other one will be in English to invite all my international sisters, who were a big part of the birthing process as well. And there is one for brothers only. I created these three containers with the intention to provide safety and an open space for communication for all interested.

For the Dutchies, I will also host three in-person experiences. These experiences are to get to know each other and get a real-life experience of the work and offerings of Holy House of Love."

College #1 The story behind Holy House of Love

Januari 13th 10:00 AM

In this first college I will share the journey behind Holy House of Love and the vision of my school. It is a powerful story behind the manifestation of my purpose/Dharma.

Online college

College #2 Yoni Empowerment

Januari 27th 10:00 AM

What is Yoni empowerment? In this 2nd college, I share my personal journey through my yoniverse and why I feel it is so important to deepen the connection with your own yoni. A beautiful source of clarity, creation, pleasure, and power.

Online college

College #3 Sacred Self-Care

Februari 10th 10:00 AM

In this final lecture of the introduction container, I will share more of my understanding of the Self and Self-care through my eyes. I'll also share why I feel it is so important for every soul to find their own sacred Self-care.

Online college

Open house #1 Get to know each other, experience yourself on a deeper level.

10th of Januari 19:30 PM

In this experience, we can get to know each other and I invite you to experience yourself on a deeper level..

In person experience in the Netherlands

Open House #2 Yoni Talk

Januari 24th 19:30 PM

I am already looking forward to this experience. In this, I will provide a Yoni Talk and this always makes me incredibly happy. I will take you through a piece of history, the anatomy of our Yoni, and your pleasure..

In person experience in the Netherlands

Open house #3 Embodiment self-care sessie

7th of Februari 19:30 PM

In this final experience, I guide you through an embodiment session where you can experience true self-care. Pure nourishment for yourself, your soul, and body... Will you join?

In person experience in the Netherlands

Why a community container?

I do realize that the subjects I'm about to talk about are still calling on our deepest shameful and vulnerable parts within ourselves. Not everybody is comfortable talking about it. And at the same time, there is a huge curiosity for this information and topics as well. We all feel the deep resonance with the life force energy that is at the core of our existence.

The three community containers provide us all (women and men) a safe container where there is also space to ask all of your questions. This can be done in the open community space of the container and also through private messages.

Creating three containers felt for me not only like a good but also an aligned choice where the values of my school are woven into. There is integrity for everybody's process, openness to sharing of my and your truth and process, a space for all the curious ones to learn and there is love. Lots and lots of love.

The community container is one clear online space for all the information around the introduction. You can find all the lecture entry links and the replays of the lectures in one place. It's like a personal instagram, with no banns and blocks because the info is too juicy and meaningful to the world.

I can’t wait to connect with you in this container!

Hello love,

my name is Anniek, 

And I welcome you into the sacred introduction container. I hope you feel invited, free and excited.. I celebrate you already for your curiosity and presence. 

I see myself as the messy - perfectly - imperfect - holy mother of Holy House of Love.

Since I gave myself the permission to be messy and brilliant at the same time, my experience of life started to change. And please don't think I only joke around getting all messy along the way. Integrity is one of my strongest values, I do my daily rituals, inner and energetic work to keep my energy field clean and clear. I also deeply nourish the unseen and the sacredness in my containers.

It is my invitation for you to break free from who you think you should be or do what you think you should do, and start living the deeply nourishing and Dharmic life you are meant to live.

Join me on a deep journey of Self-care, Self-love, self-discovery, Self-development and Self- Pleasure, to live that orgasmic life with an overflowing and loving heart.

"How I enjoyed your boundless and loving enthusiasm, so fiery, so light and oh so feminine. Your pioneering is of great value. How I look forward to the further unfolding of your life's work and mission. We need you (and your guts)."

 Anke Purmer - Visual artist and creatrix of the Vulva flowers

"Your content is brilliant and straight from your enthusiastic, powerful and beautiful heart. You are the force of love. Not a force of love but THE force of love. And it makes me very happy to write this. May this truth spread further into the world so that it can be received, recognized and loved by your sisters and brothers."

 Jeanine Hilkens - Creatrix of 'The Miracle Mess' and co-founder of the dutch mystery school 'Opleiding Helder Waarnemen'

Is the introduction container for you?

What can you expect from this container?

  • Expertise: I will share from my knowledge and experiences that I have made my own in the field of personal development from various sources and teachings. I dare to say that I have gained a deep understanding in my studies.
  • Community: Joining the introduction container gives access to a community of like-minded and interested individuals. This can provide a source of recognition and normalize talking about vulnerable topics.
  • Exclusive content: In the lectures, I share my unique and experience-based view on various topics around self-care and sexuality. Be ready for an unique experience.
And, If you made it trough this page and are still curious, there is only one right answer here..
Fuck Yes!!

So, my last question for you is..

Are you ready to enter Holy house of Love?

Choose your introduction container to enter my school

For international sisters

€ 10

This is only one payment to enter the community container. You will receive a €20,- introduction voucher in return. Read more in the Q&A

  • Immediate access to the sister only community container (check your e-mail after purchase)
  • Acces to the first three colleges of Holy House of Love + replays
  • Acces to three Q&A Sunday morning tea times
  • A safe space to share and connect
  • A change to win special introduction gifts.
  • You will get a €20 voucher that you can spend on any of the offerings in the future * Read more below. 
Welkom to my house

For al my brothers


Special introduction offer. A free space to connect and get informed

  • Immediate access to the brothers only community container
  • Acces to the first three colleges of Holy House of Love + replays in Dutch and English
  • A safe space to share and connect with brothers about the topics that there is no space yet to talk about.
Welkom to my house

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